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Seniors golf offers all over-55 members of Royal St David’s the opportunity to play competitive seniors competitions and matches against our neighboring golf clubs.

2022 has been a very successful year for the Seniors, we have played 18 fixtures in total with an even split of 9 home games and 9 away games being played. In addition to these fixtures we organise away days, we visit other club’s Senior Opens and we host two Senior Opens at Royal St.David’s Golf Club each year.

The Seniors meet every Tuesday in the clubhouse to register for all competitions played, where a draw takes place, with play commencing at 10am. The Seniors have a full list of fixtures throughout the 12 months of the year, these fixtures are made up of both Qualifying and Non-Qualifying rounds for handicap purposes therefore playing within the Seniors can ensure you have an active handicap.

We also play on Friday mornings, usually at 9.30am, competing in various team competitions but on a more ad hoc basis.

If we have tempted you to join us with the above information, you will be made very welcome by our members.

For more information you can contact Roy Wildgoose, the Seniors’ Organiser or Frank Millhouse this year’s Seniors’ Skipper both of whom will be happy to give you all the information that you may require.

Roy:     07990 659902 / [email protected]
Frank:  07790898359 / [email protected]